
Fame indicators in astrology degrees
Fame indicators in astrology degrees

fame indicators in astrology degrees fame indicators in astrology degrees fame indicators in astrology degrees

Like the stuff that doesn’t get public attention or visibility. They like learning about things and getting involved with stuff that isn’t popular or very worldwide. People with mercury in this house might be very fascinated about dreams, paranormal, hidden things, journalism, spiritual knowledge, etc. They can also be very outspoken on issues they care about and they like to use their voice and they are very outspoken and not afraid to use their voice. They’re really good at finding common ground with people and relating to others despite disagreeing. They might have really smart friends or friends that give off mercury/virgo/gemini traits. People with this placement might also like to talk and express their ideas in a group and to other people. They are interested in human affairs and using their problem-solving and intellectual minds for humanity and especially their friends and close associates. These people could be very good public speakers and do very well in the spotlight. They can get very popular because of how communicative and friendly they are. You guys have a special ability to connect with people and strike up conversations and friendships in many different places. You might like studying and learning more about humanity and social causes and what you can do to help raise awareness. You guys might aspire to be smart or to be intellectually capable.

fame indicators in astrology degrees

Okay you guys are very social and extroverted. So yep they’re very successful people because of their virgo and gemini traits and they put that to action in their careers and in their workplace and in the general public. They’re really good at projecting their thoughts and communicating to people what they want. They’re very active physically and mentally and they’re very responsible and tidy they never let anything slip. They’re very professional and good at speaking and super quick to adapt and change their surroundings. Really smart tho and probably good at school. They do very well in high demanded careers and intellectual careers where it requires for you to use your mind or speech like marketing, sales, journalism, tourism, translation, investing, public speaking, writing and publication. You guys are very good at speaking and you guys have a powerful voice!! But actually tho people with this placement I’ve heard are actually not the best at talking and they get really nervous and stutter which I can see how this placement would give that effect.

Fame indicators in astrology degrees